Tibetan Ayurveda: Health Secrets from The Roof of The World

Tibetan Ayurveda: Health Secrets from The Roof of The World

Tibetan tradition teaches that in aeons past, a beng who concerned himself as to why we all suffer physical, emotional, and spiritual pain came to the understanding that this suffering is based on the Three Poisons.  These Three Poisons are Ignorance, Attachment, and Aggression.  Because of the lack of clarity that comes from these poisons, we lead a life and create a lifestyle that inevitably leads us to fall short of all of our potentials.  This being, who came to this insight, became known as the Medicine Buddha. 

It is from the tradition of Medicine Buddha that Ayurveda, the science of longevity, was created.  Although Ayurveda is more commonly thought of as coming from the Indian sub-continent, it made its way to Tibet over several centuries and forms the core of Tibetan Medicine.

Having studied with some of today’s finest Tibet doctors and masters, Robert has put together a practical sourcebook for anyone who wants to create a healthy, balanced lifestyle using the principles of Tibetan Ayurveda. In this volume you will find…

  • Self-assessment questionnaires to assess your Ayurvedic constitution and condition
  • Dietary guidelines for all body types
  • Recommendations on forms of exercise that match of of the body-mind types.  This also includes simple form of yoga, Tibetan Tai Ch’i, and breathing exercises
  • Simple forms of meditation
  • Recommendations for daily hygiene, healthy sexual practices, and sleep
  • Detoxification and rejuvenation practices
  • Astrological information and advice

Robert and his wife, Melanie, are known to be able to translate the language of Ayurveda into practical terms for easy use.  Tibetan Ayurveda will become a guide to living that you will benefit from year after year.  (Also available in German, Czech, Bulgarian, Polish, Spanish, and Italian editions.)

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